Trains, Planes & Automobiles Race Series
This fun series consists of three uniquely themed kids races. Each race offers three distances for different age ranges.
1 Mile: Ages 6-18
1/2 Mile: Ages 12 & Under
1/4 Mile: Ages 5 & Under
The first race in the series is the Great Train Race in Fredericksburg on May 3. Runners will start near the train station in downtown and run a fast, net-downhill course.
Up next is Cleared For Takeoff in Fredericksburg on June 13. This race is run on the tarmac at Shannon Airport and is also flat and fast!
The final event is Runners Start Your Engines in Thornburg on July 19. Runners will get to race on the oval track at Dominion Speedway! Definitely a unique opportunity.
The Trains, Planes and Automobiles Series also has some generous pricing incentives: